Cat’s Aren’t A Trope

Favorite Tropes

In this S02E09 episode, we talk about our favourite tropes. Ok well maybe a little more “tropes-are-toolkits-and-keep-parents-alive-for-plotpoints”.

We talk about calling an ambulance but not for me, reluctant hero/laundry doer, Hakuna Moana and boogeys in the beard.

4 Top 3’s – Twitter Facebook Patreon 

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Links (we take no responsibility if you decide to click these):

TV Tropes, Fable, Breath of Fire 2, Uncle Ben Spiderman, Uncle Owen Star Wars, in space, Eyþór did not give me a Grefference about his warrior egg legacy thing, Counterbalance, Fish out of water, Rhal The Lucky Die, Baldur’s Gate 3. Halo Aliens, WoW tree form dance, heroic sacrifice, The Gift, Fallout 3, We Were Here, Of The Empire, Puss in Boots 2, Severance, King Kong, Reluctant Hero, Gandalf, Silmarillion, Hero’s Journey, Book of Grudges, Nagrand world of warcraft, Laputa, Stargate – the Nox, Battle Angel Lita, Altered Carbon, Full Metal Alchemist, Found Family/mentor as parent, Karate Kid, Kung Fu Panda, Charmed, Sympathetic Villains, Magneto, Patreon, Breaking Bad, Death Note, Game of Thrones, Main Theme in Final Fight, Tengen toppen gurren lagann, Bad Guy Redemption Arc, bad guy turns good, Dragonball, My Little Pony, Opposites attract, Mythbusters, Pokémon, Steven Universe, Old Man Strength, Wild Child, love makes you evil, Dark & Darker,   

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